Do you ever feel alone? We all have THIS in common....

Do you ever feel alone? We all have THIS in common....

I hope you've been enjoying the summer months and finding time for fun, relaxation and maybe even some travel!

This summer I've had the pleasure of traveling from one end of the country to the other; Vancouver, Calgary and Winnipeg for work (and play) and to Prince Edward Island for a family vacation. It was wonderful!

Having had the pleasure of meeting many new people along the way, I was again reminded of this -

We, as humans, often feel alone. Isolated in the struggles we face and fearful of others not understanding us. But the amazing thing made clear to me again through these travels is...

 We all want the same things out of life: peace, happiness, love, and a sense of belonging and fulfillment.
At some point in life we have all felt sadness, anger, fear, confusion and frustration. We have all wished for happiness and to feel loved.
We have all questioned if we were good enough, smart enough, capable of achieving our goals.

When we can recognize our similarities, we begin to cultivate compassion for one another. 

A mindfulness practice cultivates compassion -first for ourselves, and then for others. It is the key to feeling deep peace and to experiencing fulfillment, self-love and happiness.

The journey inward does not rely on your outer circumstances. Everything we need to experience peace is within us. We have this in common.

May you discover it now.


Mindfulness Tip

Practice Compassion - For yourself and others
When you are with family, friends, coworkers or passing a complete stranger on the street you can practice compassion. Take a moment to recognize that they are a human-being with feelings and life experiences - just like you.
Some food for thought...
*If you notice you are judging someone - have the willingness to stop, let the judgment go and wish that person well (in your mind you can send them thoughts of peace, love, well-being) 
* We have no idea what a person's story is, what they have been through, or what they are going through in the moment.
*As humans we are not perfect.  We are all doing the best we can do given what we are taught and what we have experienced.
*What can you do today for yourself that is loving and compassionate? (something simple)
When you cultivate compassion within, you will naturally feel it towards other people.