Mindful Monday: Will You Allow it?

Allowing is being with what is as it is. It's taking a hands-off approach and allowing the process to unfold as it will, without the need to manipulate or fix it; it's allowing the uncertainty of life to flow. 

Allowing creates space for healing, integration, and transformation but has challenges! 

It is a journey and a moment-to-moment practice. Sometimes, allowing comes easily, sometimes it is confusing, and sometimes we resist, but I do know it's a vital part of awakening our souls.

Take a moment and think about an uncomfortable feeling you experienced recently.

As the feeling surfaced and you became aware, what did you do next?

Most of us haven't been taught how to be with our feelings, so when we have difficult feelings, we may hide them, push them down, and maybe even feel shame. This is our automatic default response.  

But there is another way.

What if we allowed the feeling to arise and express itself entirely?

One day recently, I woke up to a heavier emotion. It felt like an unexpected visitor had shown up at my door. A part of me wanted to say, "Sorry, I'm busy," and close the door. However, another part said, "Welcome, I want to get to know you."  

So, I listened to the latter and practiced being with and holding space for my feelings and emotions.  I decided to allow whatever was coming up to be there and not try to force it away.

It felt comforting when I gave all of the feelings my sincere attention. I took the time to breathe into the feeling, finding my breath brought a calm, healing presence into the field.  I talked to my feelings. I held my feelings with both hands.

Creating space for the feelings brought forth an understanding. There is a level of surrender and wisdom. 

As I write this, I am more than ever deeply touched by the power of offering love, compassion, and care to ALL parts of myself.  

It's not easy to feel intense emotions, and self-compassion plays an important role. We should know that, at any given moment, we are all doing the best we can. 

When we can stay grounded in our body and observe the feeling rather than being engulfed by it, we can support the feeling and give the emotion the attention it is longing for. 

Here is something I practice when a heavy feeling comes up:

I place one hand on my heart, and I place one hand on my abdomen.

I feel the comfort of holding myself.

I breathe into the feeling.

Our breath offers so much support and comfort to our feelings. 

I might say to the part afraid, "I love you" or "I'm here for you."  

I am letting this part know 'I support you no matter what.'

This part of us wants to be noticed, held and understood. It wants to be free. It doesn't want to be judged, fixed, or pushed away.

We can't control what is happening in our outer world or when a feeling will arise.

However, we can choose to support ourselves as we navigate through the highs and lows of life, allowing ourselves to feel safer in our bodies and lives and more connected to our true essence. 

This is freedom. This is empowering. And this deepens our connection to love, and all that is.

May we relax into being.  

With love,
