Mindful Monday: Do you have a busy week? This is for you!

Mindful Monday: Do you have a busy week? This is for you!

Life can be pretty busy, right?

Demands at work and at home can sometimes be overwhelming - and most people are operating on autopilot. No wonder life can feel stressful or mundane.

If you are busy from morning to night try this…

Mini Power Breaks


You will:
* Be more focused
* Have a clear mind
* Calm your body
* Be present rather than on autopilot
* Get WAY more accomplished
* Be Happier!



During the day at random times:
* Stop and take a few mindful breaths. Observing the breath as you inhale and as you exhale. This will bring you to the present and your body will love it.
* Go for a walk or move your body
* Focus on one thing you are grateful for
* Close your eyes for a 1 or 2 minute meditation

These simple choices can create a nice flow in your day....and you will actually get more accomplished.

Enjoy the moment!