Mindful Monday: Are you connected to your body? Try this.

Mindful Monday: Are you connected to your body? Try this.

Here's some food for thought on Monday morning...
Our bodies like to be acknowledged just like you and me.

But a lot of times, our bodies are in one place and our minds are somewhere else. 

We don’t tune into the body unless we are experiencing pain or discomfort.

Can you relate to this at all?

What does mindfulness look like?
* As you go about your day – practice being present in your body.
* Do mindful check-ins.
* Stop.
* Ask yourself “How is my body feeling right now?”
* Breathe into your body. Notice the breath flowing through your body.
* Let the breath energize your body and clear stress from your nervous system.
* Notice your feet on the floor as your are walking. This will help you to be present and grounded.

Simple right?

This is what mindfulness looks like.

Every time you tune into your body you are making a choice to be in the moment - rather than thinking about the past or the future.

Enjoy the moment!
